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Derry Journal Editorial The Denial Of Derry For University Expansion Must Now Be Put Right 60 Years On

Derry Journal Editorial: The denial of Derry for university expansion must now be put right 60 years on

Queen’s, Ulster and Magee have provided great opportunities, but a standalone university for Derry would aid economic regeneration

For generations, Derry and the wider north west has been held back by a lack of investment in key infrastructure including a university. As far back as the 1960s government policy dictated that Magee should be a University of Ulster campus, effectively meaning no standalone university for Derry. Magee has provided the city with a higher education facility but it is constrained by being just one part of a much larger institution.

The region has lacked the economic drivers that universities can bring to a city, in terms of business creation, commercialisation of research and knowledge transfer into the regional economy. A city like Derry, with its proud history and strong civic leadership, deserves better. Now is the time for the government to put right the wrong of the past and invest in the social infrastructure that will help the city flourish for decades to come.

Magee was always intended to be a standalone university for Derry

In 1965 the Lockwood Report recommended that Northern Ireland should have a new university. This was backed up by a government white paper in 1967 which promised "a distinct university brand" in Derry. The original plan for Magee was for it to be a small liberal arts college with close links to the city but that was dropped due to concerns it would drain resources away from a new university in Coleraine.

The decision was controversial at the time and there have been repeated calls for Magee to be given university status. In 2014, the then Employment and Learning Minister, Stephen Farry, commissioned a review of higher education in the north west which recommended that Magee should become a university in its own right.

Higher Education Authority to look at university status for Magee

The government has now announced that the Higher Education Authority (HEA) will look at the case for university status for Magee. This is a welcome development but it is important that the HEA is given a clear remit to look at all the options, including the establishment of a standalone university for Derry.

The decision on whether or not to grant Magee university status is a matter for the HEA. However, the government should make it clear that it is committed to investing in higher education in the north west and that it is open to the possibility of a standalone university for Derry.

A standalone university would be a major boost for Derry

A standalone university for Derry would be a major boost for the city and the wider north west. It would help to attract new businesses, create jobs and improve the quality of life for local people.

It is time for the government to put right the wrong of the past and invest in the social infrastructure that will help Derry flourish for decades to come.
